The Nigerian Stock Exchange This Week

The Easter holidays had come and gone. Some companies met the deadline of rendition of result while some missed it. it was a 4 days trading week also as it was last week, as Monday was declared a public holiday.The Market lost three days out of the four days trading session which also marked the beginning of trading in the Month of April. The Market had time to react to the results released at the close of business last week. It was a cautious week of trading and it had set the precedence for what April has in stock as we expect the Market to continue hemorrhage until exciting Q1 2018 results start coming in.  

The All Share index lost  (1.60%) to close the week at 40,841.40. This brought the year to date return of the ASI to 6.79%.


It was another four-day trading week, as the Federal Government of Nigeria declared Monday, 2 nd of April 2018 as a public holiday for the Easter celeberations. Meanwhile, a total turnover of 1.765 billion shares worth N26.562 billion in 20,265 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of the Exchange in contrast to a total of 2.328 billion shares valued at N28.927 billion that exchanged hands last week in 25,530 deals.


Also traded during the week were a total of 125,282 units of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) valued at N2.835 million executed in 11 deals, compared with a total of 15,293 units valued at N254,840.00 that was transacted last week in 16 deals.


A total of 4,457 units of Federal Government Bonds valued at N4.247 million were traded this week in 13 deals, compared with a total of 21,583 units valued at N22.868 million transacted last week in 16 deals.

Below is the summary of the Market performance: Week on Week and Year to Date

Nineteen (19) equities appreciated in price during the week, lower than forty (40) of the previous week. Fifty-three (53) equities depreciated in price, higher than forty (40) equities of the previous week, while ninety-nine (99) equities remained unchanged higher than ninety-one (91) equities recorded in the preceding week:


Stock Year to Date Return Stock Week on Week Return
CAVERTON 116.28% LASACO 21.21%
CCNN 87.37% LAWUNION 12.33%
WEMABANK 63.46% UNIC 11.11%
NEM 62.65% AIICO 9.68%
FCMB 58.78% UNILEVER 8.73%
ETERNA 54.93% ACCESS 8.60%
FIDSON 53.51% CAVERTON 4.49%


Stock Year to Date Return Stock Week on Week Return
UNIC -60.00% JAPAULOIL -23.73%
FTNCOCOA -60.00% UNITYBNK -17.21%
UNITYKAP -54.00% DANGFLOUR -13.48%
REGALINS -44.00% UNITYKAP -11.54%

The Market reacted as expected to the quantum of results released on the last trading day of the Month of March after it opened for trading on Tuesday 3rd April 2018. The reaction which the ASI did not fair well with. it lost 1.06% in a 4 days trading session. Has it had been predicted in our previous report, it turned out to be a volatile week. We mentioned last week that GlaxosmithKline seems to have halt after it rallied to a 33% growth. It did not stop there, it declined further by  14.71% in the course of the week to close at N29.00. At this current price and a dividend yield of 25.86%, we belief it still provide a good bargain for dividend hunters. 

We expect the dust of FY end 2017 result to settle down in the course of the coming week and to start seeing trading patterns reflecting Q1 2018 results.

The MPR meeting was held this week for the first time this year, and the committee decided to retain all the rates. 

see you at the next trading session.


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