Losers and Gainers Nigerian Stock Exchange January 2017

The first month of 2017 had just rolled by. The Market is already making some people rich and some poor while some remain neutral. Without much ado, find below the top 10 gainers and losers for January 2017 on the Nigerian Stock Exchange:

 The Winners 

Dec 30-16 Jan 31-17
Security PClose PClose Change
UNITYBNK 0.55 0.78 41.82%
UCAP 2.73 3.5 28.21%
FCMB 1.1 1.33 20.91%
ETERNA 3.1 3.62 16.77%
STANBIC 15 17.3 15.33%
ACCESS 5.87 6.6 12.44%
CONTINSURE 0.99 1.11 12.12%
PRESCO 40.1 44.2 10.22%
OKOMUOIL 40.17 44.18 9.98%
UAC-PROP 2.62 2.88 9.92%

Dec 30-16 Jan 31-17
Security PClose PClose Change
NEM 1.05 0.81 -22.86%
GUINNESS 83.05 64.15 -22.76%
CAVERTON 0.9 0.75 -16.67%
NEIMETH 0.78 0.65 -16.67%
CUTIX 1.89 1.58 -16.40%
FO 84.43 71.22 -15.65%
HONYFLOUR 1.3 1.1 -15.38%
AGLEVENT 0.96 0.82 -14.58%
NAHCO 3.16 2.71 -14.24%
7UP 129 112.1 -13.10%


However the All Share Index Declined by (3.12%) within the same period.

There are ample opportunities in the Market as the expectation of  December 2016 Final Results of more than 75% of the Listed equities on the Exchange are expected to hit the Market. One of which is the Forte Oil Plc (FO) result that was released yesterday. Although it disappointed the Market but am not expecting the general trend to follow that direction. FO as at 9 months had shown that there was little to expect at year end.  The highlights of the result would be presented in my next post. 


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