Zenith Bank Plc December 2016 Financial Result

12 Months Report ZENITH BANK PLC
change Year End
Revenue 507,997,000 432,535,000 17% December
Profit before taxation 156,748,000 125,616,000 25%
Profit for the period 129,652,000 105,663,000 23%
Issued Shares (Units) 31,396,493,787 31,396,493,787
Basic Earnings Per Shares (Kobo) 412.00 336.00 23%
Last total dividend paid (Kobo) 202.00 180.00 12%

Zenith Bank Plc released its final year 2016 result today. The Company declared a final dividend of  #1.77k against #1.55k same period last year. This was in addition to the interim dividend of 25k earlier paid in the year. As at the time the result was released the stock has a dividend yield of 11.92%.

The Quarter on Quarter performance of the company are detailed below:

Q1 gross income: #99,435,000,000
Q2 gross income: #115,377,000,000
Q3 gross income: #165,540,000,000
Q4 gross income: #127,645,000,000

Q1 PAT: #26,573,000,000
Q2 PAT: #18,270,000,000
Q3 PAT:# 55,231,000,000
Q4 PAT:# 29,578,000,000

It should be noted that the gross income and the PAT did not follow any particular pattern.

The non-performing loan declined to 3.02% from 2.20% from the what it was in 2015. 

A total of 5 shareholders hold 33.84% of all the shares of the company and notable is the chairman, Jim with 9.38% and combined together Stanbic Nominees with  20.37%.

The Market awaits the result of Guaranty Trust Bank wish may not deviate much from what Zenith Bank paid.

Zenith bank had raced to #15.40k after the release of the result but it had declined to around #14.84k as i write with offer 41million shares already traded.

it is expected that before the mark down on 10th March 2017, the stock would still appreciate in value. Although the Market had shown a little bit of what to expect but it is still early days to conclude whether the Market would be fair or not.


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