Nigerian Breweries Plc The Trail Blazer

Nigerian Breweries Plc released its full year 2017 result ahead of time, making it the first result to hit the market. The reaction of the Market would be well captured at the next trading session after due analysis of this result.

Nigerian Breweries Plc sold more than   =N= 270,882,557,000 worth of beer in the last quarter of 2017 to close the year on a remarkable note. Find below the snap shot of the result:

12 Months Report NIGERIAN BREWERIES PLC                        
changeYear End
Profit before taxation46,572,31339,622,91418%
Profit for the period33,009,29228,396,77716%
Issued Shares (Units)7,996,100,888 7,899,989,937 
Basic Earnings Per Shares (Kobo)413.00 358.00 15%
Last total dividend paid (Kobo)313.00 258.00 21%

The Quarter on Quarter Performance of NB PLC 2017


Q1  =N=91,288,698,000
Q2 =N=(1,576,359,000)
Q3 =N=(16,041,379,000)
Q4 =N=270,882,557,000


Q1  =N=11,449,252,000 
Q2 =N=868,027,000
Q3 =N=(12,057,387,000)
Q4 =N=33,009,292,000

The quarter on quarter performance was not consistent and it shows that the brewery sector really struggled through 2017. The country came out of recession at the second quarter of the year. However, it shows the regular pattern that reflect December as the biggest month due to the festivity around that period.

This sector performance is tied to the economy and hopeful we hope the economy now that the country is out of recession we hope there would be consolidation around the gains and the learning of the  recession in 2018.

The stock closed at N131.4 on 15th February, 2018, declared a dividend of  =N=3.13k with a dividend yield of  and price it appropriately. With a dividend yield of  2.38% left much to be desire.

Benefit Declared:
Dividend: N3.13
Bonus: NIL
Closure: 7th March to 13th March, 2018
Qualification Date: 6th of March 2018
Payment Date: 23rd of April, 2018
Date of General Meeting: 20th April 2018
Venue: Shell Hall, Muson Center 8/9 Marina,  Onikan Lagos


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